We like playing a game called Between 2 fires. We promised to explain the rules. To play it you need two teams and one ball. It's similar to dodgeball.
Every team chooses one person who stands outside the fields. That person is a reserve and is on the opposite side of the team field to catch the ball the team throws.
We start hitting the other team with a ball.
You mustn't step over the line. If you do, you must give the ball to the other team.
The person who is hit goes out to help the team reserve catch the ball.
When all team members in the field are hit, the team reserve goes in the field.
The reserve has 3 lives.
When the reserve loses all three lives (is hit three times), the other team wins.
We have fun playing it! So can you...
(by Tadeja and Katarina)
It is similar to our "Border ball" - butt the reserve doesn´t come in at the end. Of course we will try it! Anna-lena