How is the weather? Has spring come?
It is still cold and some snow left.
The days use to be grey and damp.
Snowdrops have started to bloom, and if you look carefully, you can see the leaves come on the bushes.
The birds have begun to sing.
Just now I can hear the great titmouse whistle titititi outside the school window.
Do you have any special food?
"Knäcke-bread" is flat, hard bread, that many people eat every day.We have many
various kinds of hard bread.

We drink a lot of milk, and many of us have "sour milk" for breakfast.
Pancakes and jam are very popular.
Meatballs, potatoes, sauce and lingonberry jam is a traditional dish.
"Falu-sausage" is a kind of sausage that has its origin from the 1600th century.

In the cupper-mine, in Falun, thay had to kill a lot of oxen/bullocks to use their skin to make ropes of. They also got a loty of meat, and they used it to make a special - very good - sausage. Fried Falu-sausage and mashed potatoes is a very common dish in Sweden.
Yummy !