Hello and thanks for the postcard. It seems great to go on a camp for a week, even if you have to walk that much that you get tired and your feet hurts.
Now we have about a month left in this school. When school start again in August, we´ll have to take the bus to the huge (more than 1000 pupils)school in Tranemo. and Anna-lena has to start over with small children again , 9 - 10 years old.
There are a lot of extras in May. Tomorrow we will go to our nearest city, Borås, to watch a theatre. We are also going to visit the textile museum. Borås was - and still is - a textile town.
Borås has about 100000 inhabitants, it has a big Zoo and it has a good footballteam, Elfsborg.
Next week the girls are going to Tranemo on a special "girlday". They are going to meet girls from other schools in our municipality. The week after, it is the boy´s day.
We also are going to visit the big industry here in Grimsås. It is a Nexans company and it produces cabel for all different needs. We are going there twice, to see the production and to learn about the company.
The 26th of May the whole school will have an evening with musicals and theatre and songs about environment. Parents, grandparents and other people are welcome to come to school and watch all the performances.
The 31th of May class six invites all the other classes to a long walk with quiz and other activities.
The 4th-5th of June the class is going to Gothenburg to visit the amusementpark Liseberg and the science center Universeum.
So there are a lot of things going on every week.
We read books for twenty minuts every morning. Somer of our favourite books in class six are the Twilight saga, The Hunger games and books written by the Swedish author Martin Widmark and the british author RL Stine.
Earlier we ´ve read alot of books from our famous author Astrid Lindgren. we are very proud of having such a good and well known Swedish author.
How often do you read books? Who´s you favourite authors. Do you know any book written by Astrid lindgren?
We were winners in an e-twinningproject. Watch http://snapshotofeurope.blogspot.com/
The winning photos you can see on this blog as well.
Can we start writing a story together next week?