Monday, 30 November 2009

Project of the month

We are so happy and excited because we were eTwinners of the Month.
We like our new web camera and headphones and thank the eTwinning team for the prize.
With them we can do even better collaboration.
Thank you partners!

Friday, 27 November 2009

Price from Sweden and another price...

Today we received the webcam and the earphones... nice surprice.
We are very proud and happy. In the same time we won another price with our ecological project CO2nnect. The jury gave us 2nd price and we are going in Norway in springtime !!!!

Soon we will begin to write again on our nice Questions' blog, we were very busy with the CO2nnect project.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

What we are proud of....

First of all, congratulations to beeing one of the best football nations in Europe! Great work beating big, big Russia! What stars do you have in the Slovenian team? Do you have any good Slovenian clubs or are most of the players professional players abroad?In which clubs?
We are a bit disapponted here in Sweden, not reaching the World Championship in South Africa. But it is just to face the facts,the Swedish team wasn´t good enough this time.

In the class we have discussed what we are proud of and here is what the pupils said:
We are proud of our good skiers, Robert in our class and Anja Person and Jon Olsson, who make great results in the World Cup.
Even cross country skiers as Charlotte Kallas makes us proud.

Mats Sundin and Foppa Forsberg are hockeyplayers who make us proud, and some times we can be proud of the Swedish hockeyteam as well.

And of course our famous players Henrik Larsson and Zlatan Ibrahimovic make us proud.

Many good films are made in Sweden, and Mauricio mentioned his favourite Stig-Helmer.

Astrid Lindgren, the famous author, has written books as Pippi Longstocking and Ronja. Have you read any of her books? She was a great story teller, and we are very proud that she came from Sweden.

Quite a lot of good musicians come from Sweden. We suppose that many of you know ABBA, and the film " Mama Mia".

Alexander Skarsgård and his father Stellan Skarsgård are two famous actors. You can see Alexander in "True blood" - and Stellan you can see in "Mama Mia".

Björn Borg is almost as old as the teacher of the class, ( she is 56) but the pupils still remember him and feel proud about the world´s best tennis player in the late seventies.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Class six in Grimsås School

... and here comes the SUPER CLASS from Grimsås school in Sweden!
We say Zdravo, Salut, hej and Hallo to you all!

Happiness in Slovenia

We are very happy.
Can you guess why, what happened?

f o o tb a l l.

How popular is it in your country? What are you proud of these days?

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Panic in Slovenia?

We are back, wishing you a lot of health.
In our class two students weren't at school yesterday. They had virosis and a headache.
We have flu vaccine but there is a dilemma about using it and nobody in our class decided to have an injection. Most of us are not too afraid.
At school we wash our hands regularly and we desinfect our hands with a desinfection liquid.
Here in Slovenia is a small panic about the swine flu because one old woman died and one man is in hospital very ill.

We are looking forward to your presentations. It was the same in our class, we waited for some students.


Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Hello all of you!

Now our presentations are nearly finished. When we read about our friends i Celje, everybody in Grimsås wanted to make a presentation of their own.
Most of us are ready,but we are still waiting for some to finish.
Many of us in the class, and in our school, have been ill - and some still are.
We have got the flu here, some have got the swein-flu, others might have an other kind of flue. Only if you go to hospital, and stay there, they take a specimen to check out if it is the swein flu or not.
Yesterday teachers and pupils here in Grimsås got an injection to prevent us from the flu. So we hope all children are back to school soon again.
What about you - have you got the flu? Have you got vaccine against it?
We miss you on the blog - it is so fun to answer your questions......

Monday, 2 November 2009

Get to know us better

Boys and girls introduce themselves.

Click on the photo and find out what they like, do ... etc.